Beiming Tang, a graduate researcher at the University of Iowa recently received his PhD in chemical and biochemical engineering. Throughout graduate school Beiming was co-advised by Professor Charles Stanier and Gregory Carmichael.
Beiming’s thesis focused on three main points. The first point included comparing the air quality model predictions in South Korea versus the airplane and ground observations to show uncertainties of the model. Next, the air quality in 10 South Korean cities were analyzed to determine how much pollution came from Chinese, regional and local activities. The last focus consisted of gathering information to develop a higher resolution machine learning model.
Currently Beiming is doing his post-doctoral at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) air resource lab joint with George Mason University in Virginia. His responsibilities include working on the next generation of Unified Forecast System (UFS) modeling and developing the dry deposition code for the NOAA Air resource laboratory.